A downloadable Adventure

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This little brochure is a TTRPG adventure designed for DEATH IN SPACE. I originally made it for the Indie NASA TTRPG Adventure Game Jam. The idea developed around a photo of NGC 6537, a planetary nebula.

You discover NGC 6537, a nebula in form of two crescents with a white dwarf in it's core - remains of the star that once was central to this system. Surrounded by thick dust, the nebula's strange form must have been shaped by another force. What lies within this dying world?

I consider this project still in active developement!

This is my first published adventure. I will playtest it during the next weeks and probably change a few things (definetely those weird grammar issues among other things). Stuff that I intend to add after development is over:

- a printer friendly version

- a german translation

If you have a chance to play it and have any suggestions or errata, feel free to comment or contact me otherwise!

Smoke and Mirrors is an independent production by 0frames and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH IN SPACE Third Party License.


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DiS - Smoke-and-Mirrors-fullcolor-v1-0.pdf 9.1 MB

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